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Picture by Sarah Pflug (Toronto, Ontario)
In this section we want to propose a series of references to texts that may be of interest to our esteemed customers, in the various sectors of our competence.
These are recommended readings, available at the best physical bookstores, online or in specialized libraries.
Finally, the reviews of the various texts that we have consulted in the course of our professional activities are proposed.
We make our proven twenty years of experience in the sectors of Supervisory Reporting to the Bank of Italy's UIF - Financial Information Unit available to small and medium-sized companies, with particular regard to SARA statistical reporting, acquired from leading Banks, SIMs and Companies of Leasing.
We already operate as consultants for leading companies in the Italian sector, both at a theoretical, regulatory and software level.
Furthermore, starting from August 2021 we also operate as an independent Service Provider through an agile product developed in-house on our own DMS cloud platform, adaptable to the specific needs of the Customer's Management System.
The service is scalable and modular. Furthermore, it can also be combined with the Tax Registry service on the same platform.
Request a free demo to learn about the opportunities and services offered.
Referent: Eng. Damiano Martorelli, PhD, EFA
The main, but not exhaustive, services provided by our Studio to our esteemed Customers are listed below.
For details, see the links accompanying each item in the list.
For more information, contact our office at
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