We make our more than twenty years of proven experience available to small and medium-sized companies by holding conferences, seminars in the engineering, financial, and/or historical/archaeological fields, and internal company training courses.
The various topics can be dealt with on a popular level, even for a layman or non-specialist audience (for example in the context of exhibitions and/or trade fair events), or specific on certain topics and/or sectors of interest to the customer.
Furthermore, it is possible to arrange seminars and workshops for the use of training institutes and/or compulsory schools on specific topics to be agreed upon during the project, also in the context of training projects with public and/or private funding.
Some free courses and educational materials are provided through our free platform DM Paideia, on which the educational and/or seminar material for classroom courses will also be made available, via username and password dedicated to the single event.
For information and a preliminary evaluation, contact the contact person, Eng. Damiano Martorelli, phD, EFA at