We make the experience acquired in the Production, Organization, and ICT/Security sectors available to small and medium-sized companies, in SMEs and multinational companies, as well as in the academic field.

We manage the analysis of the requirements, the definition of the project, and its implementation.

We also provide assistance and support in the acquisition of the necessary hardware and software, also operating on national and international e-commerce platforms.

We already operate as consultants for leading companies in the sector. In particular, we are specialized in the analysis and implementation of the AUI and SARA flows of the Bank of Italy, of the FATCA/CRS for the international exchange of financial information, for the flows of the Revenue Agency's Registry of Reports, and for the FUG-Fondo Unico Giustizia recently established for the communication of the seizure of assets subject to judicial seizure or confiscation.

contact person: ing. Damiano Martorelli, phD, EFA, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.