Reviews of year 2023
The non-destructive nature of ground penetrating radar (GPR) makes it an important and popular method of subsurface imaging, both in engineering and archeological applications and also in crime scene investigations. However, it is a highly specialized field, requiring a deep understanding of the underlying science for successful application.
Introduction to Ground Penetrating Radar provides experienced professionals with the theoretical background they need to ensure precise data collection and analysis, with all mathematical details.
This little book aims to achieve a story capable of immersing everyone in the history of archery and its many and very different uses over the centuries, influencing traditions and religions since pre-history, where this journey begins, up to the present moment.
Starting from that pre-history, in which the use of the bow and arrow could make the difference between living or dying, the reader will travel back in time on a journey that will take him from the Ancient Age to the Modern Age, ending the tour in the Contemporary era.