Damiano MartorelliEngineer, historian, archaeologist, and financial consultant certified EFPA at the European level since 2004, he has a valid academic preparation, with a Level II Master's degree. in "Intelligence & ICT" achieved, with honours, at the University of Udine, a research doctorate in "Material Science, Mechatronics and System Engineering" completed at the University of Trento in collaboration with FBK-Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and two master's degrees with honours respectively in Engineering and Archeology at the University of Trento.

He boasts more than twenty years of experience gained in the field both as a Project Manager in SMEs and companies in Northern Italy with international projection, and as an official in Italian and Austrian financial institutions (banks, SIMs, leasing companies) operating in Italy and in the Trentino and Tyrolean area, and collaborated from 2008 to 2022 as a consultant and Software Architect for some software houses in the financial sector.

He also collaborates in the university academic field on projects in the engineering field, both generalist and in the cultural heritage field. Furthermore, he is a 1st level-certified archaeologist, according to Ministerial Decree 244/2019, registered at no. 12725 of the national list at the Ministry of Culture, associated with the National Association of Archaeologists (ANA), and in possession of the requirements for the execution of "Preventive Archeology Investigations" with issuing of the Final Document according to Legislative Decree 50/2016, art. 25. Furthermore, he is a member of EAA, European Association of Archaeologists.

Its main operational sectors, in which it operates and/or holds training courses, are:

  • project management and change management, process implementation;
  • mental coaching (business and sport), to support individual professionals or athletes, and corporate or sports teams;
  • archaeological surveillance on construction sites and excavations;
  • data mining and artificial intelligence;
  • consultancy in the prevention of money laundering, Tax Registry and international CRS/Fatca reporting;

He also holds training courses and informative seminars in various scientific and historical/archaeological fields and he is a teacher of IT, IT Systems and Networks, Project Management, Business Organization at a private high school. Furthermore, he is a 2nd Grade Volleyball Coach certified by FIPAV, a CSEN/CONI certified technical gymnastics instructor, as well as a Mental Coach.

Since March 2023 he has also been Vice President of the Management Board of the Italian Georadar Association, he is a member of the Innovation Commission and the Forensic Engineering Commission of the Order of Engineers of Trento; since January 2024 he has been Vice President of the Kunst Grenzen/Arte di Frontiera Cultural Association, an association registered with no. 785 of the Register of Social Promotion Associations-RUNTS.

Furthermore, he is a historical/scientific consultant and member of the board of directors of the Historical Reenactment Association Luporum Filii, and has published several essays (for the complete bibliography, consult the dedicated Publications section on this site).

ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-6036-1997

csen coni istruttore martorelli damianocsen coni mental coach martorelli damiano