This section contains the reviews of some of the volumes that have been read and / or studied by the owners of the Studio.
The reviews are at the sole discretion of the respective performers, are based on their experience and professional culture, and are currently organized by year of reading of the text.
They have a mere dissemination intent and in no case are they intended to denigrate or belittle the work of the respective authors of the proposed volumes, which are always approached with due respect.
Studio Martorelli is young: it was born in 2008 from the idea of two brothers, Damiano and Lucia Martorelli, who decided to combine their respective professional skills.
Consultant with engineering/business, historical, archaeological and sports training. Link to full bio.
Consultant with engineering/business, historical, archaeological and sports training. Link to full bio.
Trento is in a historically strategic position, a bridge between the German world and Italy, with a deep-rooted Central European culture. Our legacy also influences the work of every day: for this reason seriousness, punctuality, transparency, and correctness are essential virtues for us.
For information and/or estimates, you can contact us by telephone or fax at the following addresses:
Phone: +39-331-3421678, open 11:00-12:00, 16:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
An automatic answering service will be activated 24/24h if we are temporarily busy and/or unreachable: in this case, leave your contact details (telephone or e-mail) and we will contact you as soon as possible.
In light of the current COVID restrictions, we only receive via virtual channels (Skype, Zoom, etc.)